Buying a home is unlike any experience a family will undertake.

Hopefully, there are more highs than lows throughout the process. In the end, however, the speedbumps you encounter will be long forgotten once you get the keys to your new Placer County home you worked so hard to get.

Buying a home involves a lot of moving pieces, and because of that, there is more than one way to approach this important task.

Here are two ways to buy a home and you’ll quickly see which one is superior.

Option 1

Step 1: Start browsing Redfin and Zillow for your perfect home. This step is a lot of fun.

Step 2: Click on the photo of a real estate agent you see in the listing. Make an appointment.

Step 3: Identify your dream home.

Step 4: Call your bank about a loan.

Step 5: Bank asks you to pump the brakes.

Step 6: Bank requests documents.

Step: 7: You scramble and get loan documents to the bank.

Step 8: You either do not quality/or your timeline is unrealistic.

Step 9: Someone else places an offer on your dream home.

As you can see, this line of events may have started OK, but it quickly took a turn for the worse. It is the backwards way to buy a home! Simply put, the would-be buyer put the cart before the horse.

The following timeline is a more practical way to land your dream home.

Option 2

Step 1: Begin by meeting your lender ( is a great place to start).

Step 2: Inquire about our “Keys on Time” program that will empower you with a pre-approval and accelerating funding.

Step 3: Get your loan underwritten.

Step 4: Go shopping for a home however you like.

Step 5: Because you secured your funding first, with an optimized program, you can truly compete and increase the odds of landing your dream home.

Step 6: Get your keys to your dream home.

There may be more than one way to buy a home, but with, we want you to go about it the right way. Securing your funding first is the prudent path to travel a competitive, digital market.

In the end, just remember, don’t do it backwards!

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