Interested in adopting a piece of Rocklin? You can with the city’s Adopt-a-Creek program!
Here is how it works: Get together a group of up to 50 people and adopt a creek in Rocklin for a minimum of two years, a commitment that includes cleaning up a specified area of creek two times a year. This can include things like removing graffiti, repainting fences and picking up trash.
For the groups who participate, the city provides tools such as trash bags, gloves, trash grabbers and will even haul the trash away.
In addition to feeling like more a part of the community by helping clean it up, each group will have a sign with their name on it at the closest road.
For more information and to sign up, click here.
The city of Rocklin has 44 miles of creeks. The beauty of the area is just one of the many reasons why people love calling it home.
If you are interested in purchasing real estate in Rocklin, make sure contact one of our real estate professionals.